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Direct To Garment Printing
DTG printers operate on the same basic principles as inkjet printers. These printers use specialized print heads to apply water-based ink to fabrics.
Heat Transfer Vinyl
Heat transfer vinyl, or HTV for short, is a specialitypolyurethanewith a heat-activated adhesive (typically polyester-based) that can be used on certainfabricsand materials to apply designs to promotional products, textiles and apparel, such asT-shirts. It comes laminated together with a clearpolyestercarrier in a roll or sheet form, with anadhesivetacky backing, so it can be cut, weeded, and placed on asubstratefor application via aheat press
Embroidery is thecraftof decoratingfabricor other materials using aneedleto applythread or yarn. Embroidery may also incorporate other materials such aspearls,beads,quills, andsequins. In modern days, embroidery is usually seen on caps, hats, coats, overlays, blankets, dress shirts, denim, dresses, stockings, scarfs, andgolf shirts
Screen Printing
Screen printingis a printing technique where a mesh is used to transferink(ordye) onto asubstrate. The technique is used not only for garment printing but for printing on many other substances
Sublimation Printing
Sublimation printing is a digital printing process that uses heat and pressure to transfer dye onto different materials such as fabrics, plastic, metal, ceramic, and glass 1. The process involves printing a design onto special transfer paper using sublimation inks, placing the paper onto a product, and heating it with a heat press